Voice over IP (VoIP) is the new industry standard for voice communications, and it is opening up new channels of communication in both small & large businesses.
Remote offices and workers can be seamlessly integrated into their corporate telephone system, giving them access to key features like direct-dial extensions, voicemail, unified messaging and audio/web conferencing services.
Organizations with multiple offices can be connected over a single voice network, a luxury once only available to the largest companies in the world. VoIP makes it possible to create a unified platform that ignores the physical distance between locations, and provides a seamless user experience for those inside and outside of the organization.
If your company is expanding, relocating, or just cleaning house, VoIP is a great way to reduce infrastructure expenses. By allowing all of your voice and data platforms to run on a single IP network, the need to run multiple cables to each workstation is eliminated.
VoIP can serve all of these needs. The technology has provided so many innovative solutions that it is reinventing the telecommunications industry. As voice traffic continues to migrate to data networks, it is important to choose a partner that has the expertise and ability to accomplish your organizational goals.